Leading Diverse Teams
Our data shows the single most important factor in achieving ethnically diverse, gender balanced teams, is the CEO’s behaviours.
We know that if the CEO doesn’t understand the business case and barriers for gender, the organisation won’t achieve the buy-in and change needed to achieve sustainable outcomes. Gender is the absolute foundation, without which, no other forms of diversity can truly thrive.
Taking a positive approach to difference, our coach led programmes help participants to understand that where we come from – whether through our background, our ethnicity, our gender or our class – helps shape how we view the world, building leadership with empathy.
What is Leading Diverse Teams?
Companies will not become more diverse unless individuals across the business feel included and accepted for who they are. The dynamic within many organisations is changing, yet leaders and managers of people repeatedly say they feel ill-equipped to advise and support others different to themselves.
This virtual programme creates a safe space where men and women learn what it takes to become an inclusive and empathetic leader, without fear of judgement or reprisal, giving them to the tools and confidence to apply their learnings at an individual, department and organisational level.
Feel more confident managing a diverse team after taking part
Who are sponsored are more likely to get promoted
Senior leaders who sponsor an individual are likely to be promoted themselves
Who is Leading Diverse Teams for?
Leading Diverse Teams is for small, intimate groups of leaders and managers within the same company.
We work with CEO’s and their teams to ensure they truly understand the business case, barriers and what works when hiring, promoting and retaining women and employees of all ethnicities.
What does Leading Diverse Teams cover?
Participants learn how our differences shape our view of the world, frequently sharing their lived experiences with their peers. The intimate setting encourages and allows participants to reflect on situations and ask questions, without judgement or reprisal.
This programme is based on data which shows how embracing differences in gender, ethnicity, race and social class are the biggest factors of economic performance. It also explains why women and employees from ethnic backgrounds are less likely to receive constructive feedback, sponsorship and opportunities for advancement due to managers fears of being discriminatory. By focusing on how to understand, communicate and provide feedback, participants learn how to manage those different to themselves and that others from other under-represented groups benefit too.
Each session builds into a framework, where leaders and managers can feedback to those different to them. It helps leaders and managers recognise and call out bad behaviour and be intentional rather than performance allies.